お客様の声 From ジンバブエ







”あなたのクルマを、必要としている国へ” 中古車買取りならエブリィへ


(1)What kind of worries did you have before you order the car ?
My worry was about if my money was safe after paying someone I never dealt with.

(2)How did you know about our company?

I came to know EveryCo.Ltd via Tradecarview and bought my first car.

(3)Why did you choose EVERY CO.,LTD ? What is the advantage ?

I feel I have personal relationship with the staff, Shibuya, Shizuka ( former employee) an you Hina.

(4)How is the car you bought?

For the record, this is the sixth car I bought from your company and I have no complains.

(5)Do you think you want to buy a car(s) next time from us?

I will always put EveryCo as my first option when I want to buy a car from Japan.


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